Building on our commitment to support community wellness, New York Bone & Joint offices are now open for IN-OFFICE appointments. In accordance with CDC, Federal, and State guidelines, we have taken strict precautions to ensure the health and safety of our employees and patients.
In addition to In-Office appointments, Video and Telehealth consultations are available to all patients.
Treating our patients while preventing exposure to COVID-19 is our top priority. Your health is important to us, and we want you to know that your safety is our guiding force.
With that in mind, please know that we will be:
- Screening patients for symptoms prior to scheduled in-office appointments. If patients test positive, we will reschedule for a future visit or direct them to our Telehealth options.
- Increasing the availability of our Telehealth offerings.
- Implementing strict waiting room occupancy guidelines and social distancing.

These changes are the beginning of what we expect will be a series of changes to ensure your health and safety. Additionally, we will be instituting a number of new office guidelines beginning May 18th, 2020 in order to decrease exposure. We ask that everyone self-monitor and adhere to these guidelines to prevent yourself and others from getting sick.
- Please report to our staff if you have tested positive or been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or for COVID-19 antibodies. Your personal health information is always treated confidentially.
- Immediately report any sickness or COVID-related symptoms to management.
- Everyone must wear a mask or face covering inside the office. If you do not have a face covering, we may ask you to reschedule or select a Telehealth appointment.
- All employees will be provided a face shield to be worn at all times when interacting with patients.
- Gloves are highly recommended at all times.
- Please adhere to six feet social distancing policies whenever possible. If you are unable to socially distance in the waiting room, please wait outside.
- Please come to your appointment alone. If you need assistance, you may bring no more than one other person with you. Please minimize your time in public areas by completing all your paperwork ahead of time and submitting it online to [email protected].
- Please arrive on time to your appointment. If you have a virtual visit, please log on early for your appointment. This will help minimize wait times.
- We will increase cleaning and sterilization of all areas, hourly or between patients, whichever comes first.
- Windows and doors will be opened whenever possible to promote air circulation.
- Drinking stations are considered off limits.
- Wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.
- Hand sanitizer will be in every office and at front desks. If you notice it is missing or low, please report it.
- Staff and patients will need to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire to be admitted to our offices. This will be considered personal health information and will be kept confidential.

We understand that this is a challenging time for you and that you are concerned for yourself and your loved ones. We hope you know that any and all changes we make will be done to best ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience these temporary guidelines may cause.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] and be aware of any email updates we may send out.
Thank you and stay safe.