The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

electric tehnology medicine

EMGs and E-Technology In Medicine

It’s understandable if the thought of an electrical current running through your body is a bit unsettling. However, “electro-technology” is increasingly popular. Why? Versatility. It’s powerful enough to be used in the medical realm but is also safe enough to be implemented into tech innovations for the average Joe. EMG (ELECTROMYOGRAPHY) Electro-technology is most commonly known […]

nerve compression

What Is Nerve Compression?

Causes Nerve compression can be caused by external pressure, especially for extended periods of time. Examples include resting your arm on a bar or chair, resting elbows on tables or desks, prolonged used of crutches, or similar actions that have the same effect. It also can be caused by rapid weight gain or any condition […]


What Happens During an EMG

Curious about what happens during an EMG (electromyography) and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)? Maybe you’re scheduled for a test and are nervous about it. First off, what does an EMG/NCS test, and what conditions are to be ruled out? NCS tests peripheral nerves, and an EMG tests the electrical activity of muscles. The doctor will probably […]


What Is Sciatica?

One of the most common complaints seen by orthopedic surgeons, physical medicine specialists, as well as primary care physicians is “sciatica”. But, what exactly is it? Sciatica is a symptom of pain in the leg, at times associated with tingling and numbness, and even weakness. There are many causes of sciatica. It is important to […]

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