The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

ac joint separation

4 Signs that You May Have an AC Joint Separation — and How to Seek Treatment

The acromioclavicular joint, or AC joint, is a cartilaginous junction that joins the shoulder blade and the collarbone. Primarily responsible for overhead motions such as throwing, this essential joint can be sprained or separated as a result of direct trauma, often while playing contact sports such as football or hockey. Like many sprains and strains, […]

alex boyd

What’s the Difference Between a Separated and Dislocated Shoulder?

While they’re often mistaken for each other, shoulder separations and shoulder dislocations are caused by different injuries, and respond best to distinct courses of treatment. Are you experiencing pain in your shoulder, or have you noticed a deformity in its shape? If you’ve recently suffered a traumatic injury to your shoulder, you may be suffering […]

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