Why Does Denzel Perryman Need Ankle Surgery?

Denzel Perryman Need Ankle Surgery

Denzel Perryman, linebacker for the LA Chargers, hobbled off the field Sunday after a severe ankle injury. Without any mention of a diagnosis, the Chargers announced he would need ankle surgery and will most likely be sitting out for the next 2 months.

What injury may Perryman be facing? Well, ankle sprains are the most common sports injury to the foot, but they are the least severe. They typically only require rehabilitation. Since Perryman reappeared later on crutches and his orthopedists ordered an MRI, we can deduce that he could not take steps on his ankle and his injury is rather severe. Imaging suggests that his doctors suspected some sort of fracture.

Due to the fact that Perryman had an MRI and requires surgery, there may be ligament damage surrounding an ankle fracture. It’s a fairly simple orthopedic procedure to correct mild damage of this kind, however post-operative rehabilitation will be crucial for his future performance.

Once the tissues of a joint have been damaged, especially the overused ligaments of the ankle joint, it is very likely that an injury will recur. Perryman will have to diligently strengthen his ankle to avoid future injury and avoid a weak spot in his gameplay. Physical therapists, like sports medicine expert Ma. Michelle Q. Cruz, PT, DPT, OCS, CSST, often help athletes improve their resilience after injuries such as Perryman’s.

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