The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

Physical Therapy

Are You at a High Risk of Suffering a Patellar Dislocation?

As one of the body’s workhorse joints, the knee is essential to a vast range of sports and activities. Since it does so much heavy lifting, however, it’s also susceptible to an array of injuries. One knee injury that can be particularly devastating to athletes is a patellar dislocation. The patella (or kneecap) is a small […]

weightlifter patellar knee pain

Weightlifting Injuries: Patellar Tendinitis

Knee pain is a common ailment for all athletes but weightlifters are especially prone to pain developing in the kneecap. This is frequently caused by a condition known as patellar tendonitis, which is essentially inflammation of the patellar tendon located directly under the kneecap. Patellar Tendinitis is often caused by squats, especially sumo position squats. To prevent patellar tendinitis, it […]

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