The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

How To Care For A Sprain

How To Care For A Sprain

Sprains are very common injuries; you may sprain your ankle by simply tripping over your shoelaces. Even though sprains are fairly common, they can be painful and may develop into a more severe issue down the road if not cared for properly. Many people don’t seek medical attention for a sprain. Instead, they follow the RICE […]

bunion pain

What Is A Bunion?

If you’ve noticed that your big toe has started to bend inward and has a bump near its joint, you may have a bunion. Bunions are common and painful bony bumps located on the inner side of the foot at the big toe joint. Pressure on the big toe can cause it to bend toward […]


What Is A Hammertoe?

A hammertoe refers to a deformity of the second, third or fourth toe in which the toe is bent to the side at the middle joint. While a hammertoe may be corrected conservatively at first, it may begin to cause pain or discomfort and become fixed in its position if not treated. At this point, […]

jammed toe

I Jammed My Toe. Is It Broken?

You know how much it can hurt to stub or drop something on your toe. While you don’t need to see a podiatrist every time someone steps on your toes, fractures are pretty common injuries for your toes and should be treated properly. Mild fractures may heal on their own, but some can be recurrent, […]

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