Arthroscopic Surgery

Under the direction of Dr. Leon E. Popovitz, MD, the Arthroscopic Surgery Department at NY Bone and Joint Specialists is a leading provider in NYC of this minimally invasive orthopedic procedure, also known as Arthroscopy. We specialize in Arthroscopic Surgery of the Shoulder, Knee, Hip, Ankle and Wrist.


Our orthopedic surgeons at New York Bone and Joint Specialists perform:

In the NYC-Tristate area, NY Bone and Joint physicians are highly regarded for their expertise in Arthroscopic surgery of the Shoulder, Knee, Hip and Ankle. Under the direction of Arthroscopic Surgeon, Dr. Leon E. Popovitz, MD, we have successfully treated hundreds with this minimally invasive procedure.

Because arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure, this allows an orthopedic surgeon to treat joint injuries and disease through small incisions in the skin. It is often performed when a diagnosis is made after a thorough history and physical examination, as well as imaging tests such as an MRI and X-rays.

During an arthroscopic procedure, a thin fiber optic light, magnifying lens and tiny television camera are inserted into the problem area, allowing the doctor to examine the joint in great detail.

It is then possible to treat the problem using this approach without having to make any “open” incisions. Sports injuries are often repairable with arthroscopy. Ligament tears, meniscus tears, damaged cartilage and loose bodies in the knee are frequently repaired this way. Other potentially treatable problems include rotator cuff tears, labrum (cartilage) tears, inflammation and recurrent dislocations of the shoulder.

Because it is minimally invasive, arthroscopy offers many benefits to the patient over traditional surgery:

  • No cutting of muscles or tendons
  • Less bleeding during surgery
  • Less scarring
  • Smaller incisions
  • Faster recovery and return to regular activities
  • Faster and more comfortable rehabilitation

Arthroscopy is not appropriate for every patient. Your doctor will discuss the options that are best for you.


Orthopedists at New York Bone & Joint are highly skilled in treating numerous sports injuries, including:

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