8 In-Flight Exercises to Prevent Stiff Muscles and Joints 

Designed graphic of a woman stretching her arms while seated in an airplane

Getting ready for your last-minute summer vacation? Your plans should include these airline stretches.

As the summer winds down, many dash off for a final vacation before the cold temperatures hit. For some, that escape means a long plane ride to a far-off destination. While it’s easy to concentrate on what you’ll do after landing, you should also think about what you’ll do during the plane ride.

Sitting for more than four hours on a plane increases your chances of a blood clot. When you don’t move for a long period, your blood cells tend to collect together, which can cause a potentially dangerous clot. What’s more, your joints and muscles will stiffen up and become sore. Since you want to walk off the plane rested, refreshed, and ready for a good time, try these airline stretches to keep your muscles warm and flexible.

8 in-flight exercises to prevent stiff muscles and joints

Designed graphic of 8 illustrated individuals performing 8 different exercises

It’s no secret airline seats have shrunk, leaving many passengers feeling cramped during the flight. Yet even in crowded quarters, these exercises can be done comfortably and without impacting your seatmates:

1. Ankle circles: Stretch both legs in front of you and move your ankles in a circle in both directions. Aim for at least 10 rotations in each direction on each foot every hour.

2. Knee lift. Raise your knee to your chest as the other leg is extended out as straight as possible. Alternate between each leg.

3. Neck roll. Relax your shoulders. Slowly drop your ear toward one shoulder and then bring it around to the other. Repeat five times.

4. Shoulder shrugs. Move your shoulder up toward your ears, then forward toward the seat in front of you, and then back. Repeat at least 10 times.

5. Forward fold. Stand up at your seat (if you can) or in the aisle and stretch your hands toward the ceiling. Bend forward and move your hands to the floor.  

6. Take a stroll. When possible, get out of your seat and walk along the aisle. Standing is good but walking is even better to get your blood flowing.

7. Shoulder stretch. Another exercise to perform while standing: Lace your fingers behind your back. Bend forward slightly and lift your arms as high as you can. Hold for 10 seconds.

8. Squats. Do this exercise in the bathroom (when there is no line!). Face the door and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then, stand up. Repeat 5-10 times.

    Although these exercises seem simple, they can get your blood moving to keep your muscles loose and promote healthy circulation. In addition to these exercises, be sure to drink plenty of water. Cabin air can be dry and dehydrating, locking up muscles and joints over time. If your budget allows, upgrade to business or first class for more seatroom. These measures and stretches will get your last-minute summer vacation off to a great start.

    Stay strong and flexible all year round

    If you’re feeling sore after your vacation, come see the experts at New York Bone & Joint Specialists. As a leading sports medicine center, our specialists have diagnosed and treated all types of orthopedic issues and can help you overcome yours. Contact us today for a consultation.

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