How To Stay Healthy After Joint Replacement Surgery
While the human body’s ability to be versatile and resilient is well-proven, it certainly has some limitations. Whether it’s through aging, disease, injury or some other means, these bodies of ours eventually begin to wear out, and many times this leads to weakness, instability and pain in areas of our body that were previously healthy. […]
Runners Beware: Iliotibial Band Syndrome
If you’re getting back into your outdoor running routine this spring, iliotibial band syndrome is an injury you’ll want to avoid. It commonly affects runners, especially those who intensify their workout without stretching properly. Take care to ease your body back into your runs and try the stretches your physical therapist recommends if your start feeling aches […]
Staying Active In Winter Weather
The winter months can really have an effect on overall health. It’s not as easy to get excited and motivated about wellness when it is cold, dark or dreary outside. When it’s too cold to enjoy the outdoors, it’s time to get creative about staying active. Take the stairs. Whether you live or work in a […]
Be Proactive About Your Bone Health
Many times, we only think about our bone and joint health when we are dealing with pain or discomfort. Making proactive choices to benefit bone and joint health is a good practice for maintaining long-term health and preventing some of the aches and pains that may crop up otherwise. One of the best things to […]
Get Back Into Your Workout Routine Injury Free
As Spring approaches, we all face the daunting task of getting ourselves back into our workout routine. Orthopedic injuries often occur for the first time when suddenly changing your workout regimen or increasing your activity level. Here are some tips to make getting back into the swing of things easily and pain free. Pace yourself. The most […]