What Are PRP Injections Used For?

PRP Injections MM

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is an innovative non-surgical treatment option for people with chronic pains, strains and injuries. Once injected into the injured area, the platelet-rich plasma has been shown to positively affect healing and rehabilitation.

To begin PRP injection therapy, a sample of the patient’s blood is drawn. The blood is then centrifuged to separate the blood platelets out. After being centrifuged, the platelets are injected into the injured area, using an ultrasound image for guidance. The patient’s own blood platelets catalyze a natural healing process, increasing the amount, and efficacy, of the body’s reparative cells.

PRP therapy is used to treat chronic conditions and induce healing in tissues that are slow to repair, especially tendons and ligaments. PRP injections most commonly treat:

The procedure is a cutting-edge treatment for patients that previously had fewer treatment options for their painful conditions. Patients may immediately return to their usual daily routine, and only might feel some soreness for a short while. There is no post-procedural recovery time or rehabilitative therapy needed.

Michael Y. Mizhiritsky, MD, expert physiatrist, top back and neck doctor and co-founder of New York Bone and Joint Specialists, has applied PRP injection therapy to many patients in New York and New Jersey.

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