The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

tech neck

Is Technology Causing Your Shoulder and Neck Pain?

Looking down at your phone or computer all day could be causing serious neck and shoulder pain. Here’s how you can find relief.

back pain from your desk

How To Relieve Back Pain At Your Desk

It is not uncommon for workers in office settings to sit at their desk for up to 40 hours each week, and perhaps more. If this sounds like you, you probably will also recognize the neck and back stiffness and pain that so often results from extended amounts of time spent sitting at a desk. […]

nerve block

What Is A Medial Branch Nerve Block?

If you’ve visited an interventional pain management specialist for chronic back pain, your physician may have suggested performing a Medial branch nerve block for pain. But what is it exactly? Many spinal conditions that affect our facet joints, or the joints that connect the vertebrae of our spine, can impinge upon the nerves that surround our spine. […]

ice hot therapy pain

Should I Use Heat Or Ice To Relieve My Pain?

After a joint or muscle injury, it is common to treat inflammation, swelling, and pain with cold and/or heat therapy. When is it right to use cold therapy vs. heat therapy? Can you use both on the same injury? COLD OR ICE THERAPY Ice or a cold compress is recommended for severe muscle spasms, bruising, […]

facet joint back pain

What Are Facet Joint Injections?

Facet joints are small joints that connect our vertebrae and allow our spines to move. Like all the joints in our body, they are susceptible to arthritis and injury. In these cases, our facet joints can cause pain, inflaming tissues in the area and sometimes compressing nerve roots in the spine. A facet joint injection is useful for both […]


Why Should I See A Physiatrist?

When will my doctor refer me to a physiatrist? Many outpatient physiatry practices focus on musculoskeletal, sports injuries, and pain management. PM&R physicians will see patients referred by doctors from all specialties, including orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, rheumatologists, and of course internal medicine, family practice, and urgent center physicians. Injuries to any part of the body, or any […]

weightlifter herniated disc

Weightlifting Injuries: Herniated Discs

Weightlifters know back pain all too well. From belts to altered positions, to foam rolling, weightlifters need to constantly avoid and treat back aches and strains. Unfortunately, no method can guard your back and neck against injury 100% when you lift weights regularly. Because of this, the orthopedists and pain management specialists at New York Bone and Joint Specialists often […]

low back pain

Here’s How You Should Be Treating Your Low Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is one of the more common presentations to a doctor. Almost everyone will experience lower back pain at least once in their lifetime. Inactivity, lack of proper exercise, being overweight, smoking, family history, jobs or tasks that require heavy lifting, or frequent repetitive activities are just some of the risk factors. Weekend warriors […]


NY Bone And Joint Specialists Appear On WCBS

Dr. Leon E. Popovitz and Dr. Michael Y. Mizhiritsky, co-founders of NY Bone and Joint Specialists, spoke about the importance of preserving our joints as part of the CBS American Health Front program, which focuses on the top healthcare providers and techniques today. Dr. Popovitz explains that we are born with a certain amount of cartilage and structural […]

ergonomic workstation

The Importance Of An Ergonomic Work Space

Like many, you work in front of a computer 40-50 hours each week. Work has you stressed, tired, and leaves you no time to exercise. Chances are, at the end of each working day, you have neck and back pain and stiffness. It may seem too good to be true, but an ergonomic workstation can […]

trigger point

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger points are small, tender knots that can form in muscles or fascia (covering of the muscles). The myofascial pain syndrome is common painful muscle disorder caused by myofascial trigger points. The pain generated from these small knots is felt locally and in a referred pattern. They usually are associated with a chronic musculoskeletal disorder. […]

chronic pain neck

Do I Have Chronic Neck Pain?

Many of us have a sore or aching neck at the end of the day. This could be the result of a variety of things: bad posture, an uncomfortable workspace, “text-neck”, or maybe a condition leading to chronic neck pain. Chronic neck pain differs from acute neck pain (neck pain resulting from injury, or trauma) in […]

Young People Get Neck Pain Too

As we get older, we will develop wear and tear, degeneration, or osteoarthritis in many areas, including the spine. This may cause stiffness and pain. However, there are many sources and structures that can cause pain way before arthritis is seen. Neck pain in young, healthy adults is a very common symptom. If you fall asleep on […]

radiofrequency nerve ablation

Radiofrequency Ablation: A Solution To Stubborn Back Pain

A majority of Americans suffer from back pain and many find it hard to achieve long lasting relief. Conservative treatments, such as physical therapy or anti-inflammatory medications is often not enough to relieve pain and spasms for more than half of patients that suffer from chronic spine conditions. Fortunately for those with arthritis, nerve compression, […]

How Golfers Should Handle Back Pain

With the warm weather comes the oppurtunity to get out your golf clubs. While there are few things more exciting than the return of perfect golfing weather, many will also experience the return of back pain. Professionals and weekend golfers alike often feel the aches and strains of their swing on their back and neck. […]

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