Pelvic Pain Treatments: Yoga
Chronic pain, especially pelvic pain that continuously flares up, is usually a result of your body overcompensating for your pain. The pelvic floor muscles will tense in order to guard what they think is an injured area. This will put pressure on nerves in the area and cause stiffness, resulting in pain. Yoga is a […]
Why Should I See A Physiatrist?
When will my doctor refer me to a physiatrist? Many outpatient physiatry practices focus on musculoskeletal, sports injuries, and pain management. PM&R physicians will see patients referred by doctors from all specialties, including orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, rheumatologists, and of course internal medicine, family practice, and urgent center physicians. Injuries to any part of the body, or any […]
Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Could Help Relieve Arthritis Pain
Arthritis is a condition that can cause much discomfort and pain, and affects over 350 million worldwide. The pain is usually chronic, but can flare up and become more intense from time to time. While anti-inflammatory medications can help, there are some natural methods to reduce inflammation as well, including certain foods. Here is a […]
What Are Trigger Point Injections?
Trigger points are small, tender knots that can form in muscles or fascia (covering of the muscles). The myofascial pain syndrome is common painful muscle disorder caused by myofascial trigger points. The pain generated from these small knots is felt locally and in a referred pattern. They usually are associated with a chronic musculoskeletal disorder. […]
Hip Pain In Young Adults
Hip pain in young adults (16-50 years of age) is a very common condition in sports-active individuals. Any persistent hip pain in young adults is not normal and should be evaluated by a doctor. Common causes of hip pain in young adults are labral tear, femoroacetabular impingement (FAI hip impingement), developmental dysplasia, AVN (avascular necrosis), early arthritis, muscle or […]
Do I Have Chronic Neck Pain?
Many of us have a sore or aching neck at the end of the day. This could be the result of a variety of things: bad posture, an uncomfortable workspace, “text-neck”, or maybe a condition leading to chronic neck pain. Chronic neck pain differs from acute neck pain (neck pain resulting from injury, or trauma) in […]
Radiofrequency Ablation: A Solution To Stubborn Back Pain
A majority of Americans suffer from back pain and many find it hard to achieve long lasting relief. Conservative treatments, such as physical therapy or anti-inflammatory medications is often not enough to relieve pain and spasms for more than half of patients that suffer from chronic spine conditions. Fortunately for those with arthritis, nerve compression, […]
The Difference Between Treating And Masking Pain
Some aching here, a little twinge of pain there, we’ve all experienced aches and pains after exercise, a long week of work, or as the result of our bodies aging. What is your first reaction to these pains? Are you treating it or masking pain? According to WebMD and the American Gastroenterological Association, more than […]
The Link Between Vitamin D And Chronic Pain
Many Americans don’t get enough Vitamin D from their diets and this is especially troublesome for those who suffer for chronic pain conditions. We get most of our Vitamin D from fish, and sometimes dairy products like milk and cheese. Those that suffer from inflammatory conditions that cause frequent pain and other chronic pain disorders, […]
10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods For Arthritis And More
Many people suffer from diseases or conditions that cause chronic and daily pain from the inflammation they cause. Arthritis, tendinitis, Crohn’s disease, spondylitis, are just a few chronic conditions that include painful inflammation. Of course, managing pain and inflammation is best done conservatively. Many people have had success in alleviating their chronic inflammation by incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into […]