The Importance of Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Rehabilitation

physical therapy ortho rehab

Being faced with recovery after an injury or orthopedic surgery can be daunting. Even after minimally-invasive arthroscopic surgery, you may be anxious to get back to your usual exercise routine. The length of recovery time, and the pace you may return to full activity, are both contingent on the type of injury or surgery you have had.

Regardless of the diagnosis and treatment, the best way to recover is to have an ongoing conversation with your orthopedic surgeon, your physical therapist, and your own body. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are meant to re-train and re-strengthen your joints and muscles. Even once you feel like you are back to 100%, it’s important to maintain your physical therapy appointments through the whole course, to make sure you have reach you best level of health.

While you are recovering, make sure you are following your doctor’s orders on medications, diet, exercise, work, and more. Recovery is a process that encompasses all aspects of your health.

Make sure you are following your physical therapist’s instructions as well, both during your physical therapy sessions, and the instructions for home exercises or training, including proper stretching, warming up and cooling down, and use of heat or ice packs.

At lastly, listen to your body. If an exercise is hurting you, let your physical therapist know. If you are unsure about any aspect of your recovery or are anxious or troubled by any symptoms, see your doctor.

Your orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist want nothing other than your quick and easy return. You and your health providers can work as a team to make that happen.

Dr. Leon Popovitz and Dr. Michael Mizhiritsky, along with their team of best-in-class orthopedic physicians, are known for their exemplary orthopedic surgical skill and best-rated physical medicine and rehabilitation program. This, along with their top in-office physical therapy and long-term sports rehabilitation processes, leads to athletes of all levels returning to their top physical potential. Contact us today to schedule a consult!

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