The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

working out with a knee injury

Working Out With a Knee Injury: Here’s What You Need to Know

Recovering from a knee injury doesn’t mean you have to stop working out. Instead, switch to exercises that are safe and aid in healing the joint.

The Best Exercise Options for People with Chronic Back Pain

You don’t have to stop exercising when your back aches. Try these five low-impact activities to stay fit and manage your pain.

How To Treat Biking Pains

How To Treat Biking Pains

As New Yorkers, chances are you can bike just about everywhere, even to work. Biking is such a fun way to stay in shape, do something active with friends, and take in the fall scenery. While cycling is a great way for those with joint pain to workout, novices and expert cyclists alike commonly start […]

Biking Injuries: Hip Bursitis

Cyclists often irritate the tissues connected to the hip and low back due to the extremely repetitive nature of pealing in a bent over position. Hip bursitis is especially common when bikers increase the length or intensity of their rides suddenly. those new to cycling very often feel pain at the side of their hip […]

biking low back pain

Biking Injuries: Lower Back Pain

Leaning over your bike for long rides will inevitably lead to lower back pain or stiffness. Low back pain from cycling can progress if you do not treat it properly, becoming chronic and causing further issues like spinal nerve compression or sciatica. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to prevent and treat low […]

achilles tendon injury

Biking Injuries: Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is a common injury many cyclists experiences when over using their ankle joint. Repetitive cycling can cause the Achilles tendon to become inflamed, causing pain that will get worse if left untreated. The Achilles tendon is very important, as it attaches the back of your foot to your calf, enabling you to run, jump, walk, […]

knee injuries biking

Avoid Knee Injuries On Your Biking Commute

As the weather warms, 7.7 million local commuters, will be biking to work. There’s no better way to get in some cardio, avoid stressful traffic and arrive to work energized. But with biking every morning, comes some potential injuries. Cycling poses some unique threats to the knees, one of the body’s most fragile joints. The […]

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