The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

sprained shoulder

How Long Does It Take for a Sprained Shoulder to Heal?

A sprained shoulder can be painful and inconvenient, disrupting your daily routine and keeping you from enjoying your active lifestyle. And while sprained shoulders do eventually heal, the recovery process is a gradual one — the timeline for complete recovery can range from several weeks to several months. As you develop a treatment plan for […]

Shoulder Arthroscopic Decompression

What To Know If Your Orthopedic Surgeon Recommends A Shoulder Arthroscopic Decompression

A shoulder arthroscopic decompression or acromioplasty is a very common operation for people with severe shoulder pain, which is typically caused by rotator cuff or shoulder impingement. However, a recent British study has questioned the frequency of this procedure and its benefit. Shoulder impingement syndrome, often referred to as shoulder bursitis, tendonitis impingement, swimmer’s shoulder, […]

Porzingis injury

Kristaps Porzingis Walks Away With Only A Minor Ankle Injury

Knick’s Kristaps Porzingis rolled his ankle to an extreme angle, making everyone watching believe that he had a serious breakage. In reality, Porzingis is well enough to walk, having only sprained his ankle. His X rays show no signs of bone damage, but an MRI may reveal some ligament damage that may take some time to […]

Gym exercse injury

These Gym Exercises Can Cause Your Next Injury

We all know exercise is good for you but, some exercises can actually do more harm than good and result in muscle and joint injuries. Depending on your age, fitness level and history of injuries, certain exercises should be avoided.  Especially for those who may sit in an office during the day and hit the gym […]

back pain desk

5 Ways To Quickly Relieve Back Pain

We all have days with hours spent sitting in a plane or at a desk, or lugging heavy bags on our shoulders. Instances like these can lead to days of back or neck pain. There are a few tricks your physical therapist may teach you to help avoid back pain and stiffness. Use a lacrosse […]

Gluteus Medius Exercises

Gluteus Medius Exercises: How to Stretch and Strengthen the Gluteus Medius

Though somewhat overshadowed by its better-known neighbor, the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius is one of the most important muscles in the human body. For runners especially, this muscle tends to be underused — but it can be easily strengthened with a few simple, targeted exercises. Here’s what you need to know about the gluteus medius, as […]

Hip Impingement Exercise

Hip Impingement Exercises (and Exercises to Avoid!)

At New York Bone and Joint, we strongly encourage our patients to consider non-surgical treatment for their bone and joint conditions whenever possible. While many orthopedic injuries can be surgically repaired, we’ve consistently found that if it’s possible, non-invasive treatment greatly reduces the risk of complications while promoting quicker recovery, resulting in better long-term outcomes. […]

hurt upper back

Why Does My Upper Back Hurt?

Upper back pain is, unfortunately, quite prevalent in our industrialized society. Most office jobs create numerous opportunities for it, and a largely sedentary lifestyle outside of work can further aggravate it. While it’s usually not a symptom of a greater injury, pain in the upper back can still interfere with your daily life and prevent […]

neck pain pinched neck

What Does Having A Cervical Pinched Nerve Mean?

Neck pain is a very common chronic condition for those who sit at a desk for a majority of the week as well as for the avid exerciser. We have all heard of a pinched nerve and it is very often the culprit when we experience neck pain that keeps coming back. But what exactly […]

popped shoulder

Why Does My Shoulder Pop?

As a highly complex joint, the shoulder is vulnerable to a number of conditions that can cause snapping, popping, or clicking. In most cases, these sensations are harmless, but if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort along with the popping in your shoulder, this could be a symptom of a more serious orthopedic condition. We’ve identified some common […]

alex boyd

What’s the Difference Between a Separated and Dislocated Shoulder?

While they’re often mistaken for each other, shoulder separations and shoulder dislocations are caused by different injuries, and respond best to distinct courses of treatment. Are you experiencing pain in your shoulder, or have you noticed a deformity in its shape? If you’ve recently suffered a traumatic injury to your shoulder, you may be suffering […]

flat back syndrome

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that protects the spinal cord and its branching nerves. When inflammation or other conditions cause the canal to compress these nerves, it can cause pain in the area as well as radiating pain to the limbs. Once this pain begins, spinal stenosis has usually progressed to a level that […]

ACL tear

QB Deshaun Watson Suffers ACL Tear: What Does It Mean?

Texans quarterback and rookie legend, Deshaun Watson, suffered a crushing injury during practice that has cut short one of the most memorable NFL career starts fans and players have ever seen. Watson underwent an MRI to determine the extent of injury to his right knee. Orthopedists ruled out surgery for his torn right ACL, but did estimate at least 8-9 […]

pelvic pain yoga

Pelvic Pain Treatments: Yoga

Chronic pain, especially pelvic pain that continuously flares up, is usually a result of your body overcompensating for your pain. The pelvic floor muscles will tense in order to guard what they think is an injured area. This will put pressure on nerves in the area and cause stiffness, resulting in pain. Yoga is a […]

soccer injury hamstring

Soccer Injuries: Shinbone Fractures

Sudden impacts, especially a kick to the shin with cleats that we often see in soccer, can cause tibia fractures. A shinbone fracture is a serious injury that can cause pain not only in the leg but in the knee and ankle as well. You may have a shinbone fracture if you experience any of […]

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