How To Treat Hip Flexor Strains
Athletes from all sports backgrounds deal with tight hips or hip pain at some point. Hip flexors are the important muscles that attach our thigh bone, pelvis, and lumbar spine, enabling us to lift our legs as well as keep our hips and lower back stable. Because of their important role in balance and movement, […]
The Long-Term Effects of Youth Sports
There is no denying the benefits of youth sports. Youth are given the opportunity to build character, learn how to work as a team, learn how to lead others, listen to instruction, manage their time and set goals for themselves, and of course, spend hours being active and exercising. However, there may be some negative […]
The Yankees’ Michael Pineda: Will His Repaired Shoulder Hold Up?
Yankees’ pitcher Michael Pineda recently returned from the disabled list and had a less than impressive outing for the Yankees. In fact, his performance since he returned from arthroscopic shoulder surgery, in which he had a labral repair, has been unpredictable. He has had performances that were very impressive, such as the outing in May against […]
NY Jets Tight End Jace Amaro Tears Labrum in Shoulder
Jace Amaro’s shoulder pain and range of motion has not improved since he suffered a torn labrum (cushion of cartilage) during the Jets’ pre-season opener against the Lions on August 13th. The hope was that Amaro’s pain would diminish enough to be able to play this season. Unfortunately, his pain and motion did not improve […]
The Meaning of Drew Brees’ Rotator Cuff Injury
Drew Brees injured his throwing shoulder while in the pocket on Sunday last week. He was diagnosed with a rotator cuff bruise and surgery was ruled out at this time. He will rehab and return to play when his strength returns. This Sunday, he missed his first game in 10 seasons with the Saints. So what is the […]
Dr. Popovitz to CBS on Robert Griffin III’s knee
ROBERT GRIFFIN III UNDERGOES KNEE SURGERY: WHAT DOES PROCEDURE ENTAIL? “…Popovitz explains when an ACL tears, an MCL often tears with it. But on more rare occurrences, he said, the torque and force of an injury can cause the LCL to tear, which appears to have been the case for RG3. What’s more, because of […]
Dr. Popovitz Interview On Serena Williams’ Injury
What can Williams – and other players that endure a similar injury – expect following a turned ankle injury? We corresponded with expert physician/orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Leon Popovitz, MD, founder of New York Bone & Joint who has served as a team physician for the U.S. Open, about the injury and the treatments and prevention […]
Dr. Popovitz on Adrian Peterson’s ACL Injury
DON’T COUNT ON OTHERS TO COME BACK LIKE PETERSON DID “…It’s such a hot subject because of Adrian’s extraordinary success,” says Leon Popovitz, orthopedic surgeon and co-founder of New York Bone & Joint Specialists. But, he adds, “A lot of people end up returning six months to 12 months later and not being at their […]
Newsday: Dr. Popovitz on Shumpert’s ACL Injury
Orthopedic surgeon Leon Popovitz, the co-founder of New York Bone & Joint Specialists and a physician at Lenox Hill Hospital, has performed hundreds of ACL procedures. He said West’s assertion that it takes about a year to feel comfortable and confident is common. But Popovitz, who has served as team physician of the U.S. Open […]
Dr. Popovitz on Carmelo Anthony Injury, Return
A leading orthopedist at Lenox Hill Hospital, Dr. Leon Popovitz, told The Post on Wednesday stiffness behind the knee can be flaking of the articular cartilage or a slight meniscus tear that didn’t show up on the MRI exam Anthony had Saturday. According to Popovitz, players can compete through both injuries, but Anthony could need […]
Dr. Popovitz in NY Post Regarding Anthony’s Knee
The fluid, according to Popovitz, is an indicator of cartilage damage that may need arthroscopic surgery at season’s end. Anthony is not being treated by Popovitz. He had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee after the 2010-11 season. “If anybody has fluid in the knee, that is in indication there’s something wrong inside the knee,’’ […]
Could It Not Be Sharapova’s Fault? – Leon E. Popovitz, MD
By now the entire world has heard that famed Russian tennis champion Maria Sharapova has tested positive for a banned substance. She has been suspended, lost major sponsors and there is a possibility that she will miss the upcoming Olympics. The substance she was taking is Meldonium or Mildronate. This is a heart medication that […]
Jacob deGrom Misses Start, Blames Mattress – Michael Y. Mizhiritsky, MD
How often have you woken up in the morning with a stiff back? This happens to all of us, and in many cases it is due to an old or soft mattress. New York Mets Star Pitcher Jacob deGrom is experiencing this morning what we all can relate to. As the mattress ages, it becomes softer, especially […]
Will David Wright’s Back Hold Up?
As we eagerly await the start of the the 2016 Major League Baseball Season, The New York Mets and their fans are hopeful for a productive year from their captain, David Wright. The National League Champs have invested millions of dollars on the face of their franchise, and are committed for another five years. But […]
Bone and Joint Preservation
A recent study, using data from the U.S. Consumer Product Commission, revealed a significant increase in teenage sports injuries visiting emergency rooms. So, then what are the long-term effects of all these increasing number of injuries at such a young age? Potentially, it can be very damaging. Therefore, I’ve chosen the topic of Bone & Joint Preservation for […]