The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

4 signs of a pinched nerve

4 Signs You May Have A Pinched Nerve

If you’re suffering from neck pain, it may be the result of cervical radiculopathy, or a pinched nerve in the neck. Learn the common symptoms of this condition, and how you can get relief.

5 Easy Tweaks to Protect Your Shoulders During Circuit Training

Weightlifting during circuit training builds strength, but it can also be tough on your shoulders. Here are five tips to prevent common injuries.

How to Prevent Common Swimming Injuries

Swimmers often suffer from overuse injuries in the knees and shoulders. Here are some simple steps they can take to remain in top form when hitting the pool.

An Orthopedic Surgeon’s Guide to Preventing Skiing Injuries

Speeding down the slopes this ski season? Here’s how to reduce your risk of injury by learning how to take a tumble safely.

Why Are My Joints Stiff?

Joint pain and stiffness can arise from a variety of sources. Learn about four common causes, and how you can seek relief from your discomfort.

5 Common HIIT Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Learn about the common injuries associated with HIIT, and how you can stay safe while following this popular exercise program.

An Orthopedic Specialist’s Guide to Shoulder Impingement Surgery Recovery

By following these four simple steps, you can can expect to have a successful recovery within six to eight weeks of your shoulder impingement surgery.

recover from rotator cuff surgery

5 Tips for Faster Rotator Cuff Surgery Recovery

With proper preparation and a high-caliber rehabilitation plan, you can return to the activities you love quickly following rotator cuff surgery.

shoulder injury serious

Is My Shoulder Injury Serious?

Shoulder pain can point to a variety of conditions, some of which may require a doctor’s intervention.

golf swing shoulder pain

How to Adjust Your Golf Swing to Avoid Shoulder Pain

If you felt a twinge after that last swing, learn how to fine-tune your form and prevent rotator cuff injuries.

heal shoulder tendonitis

How Long Does it Take to Heal Shoulder Tendonitis?

A flare up of shoulder tendonitis can put your life on hold. But the sooner you start a healing regimen, the better your chances of a quick and lasting recovery.

heal shoulder dislocation

How to Heal a Dislocated Shoulder

Here’s how to identify a shoulder dislocation, and what you can expect throughout your recovery.

frozen shoulder

An Orthopedic Specialists’ Guide to Frozen Shoulder

Here’s what you need to know about the painful but treatable condition called adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder.

zachary staines

What Causes Shoulder Instability?

Because professional athletes have undergone intense training to mold their bodies into peak physical shape, it’s easy to assume that they’re immune to the common injuries that affect the rest of us. Recent news, however, has shown that no one is completely protected from injury. For example, Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers — two of […]

sprained shoulder

How Long Does It Take for a Sprained Shoulder to Heal?

A sprained shoulder can be painful and inconvenient, disrupting your daily routine and keeping you from enjoying your active lifestyle. And while sprained shoulders do eventually heal, the recovery process is a gradual one — the timeline for complete recovery can range from several weeks to several months. As you develop a treatment plan for […]

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