The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

trigger point

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger points are small, tender knots that can form in muscles or fascia (covering of the muscles). The myofascial pain syndrome is common painful muscle disorder caused by myofascial trigger points. The pain generated from these small knots is felt locally and in a referred pattern. They usually are associated with a chronic musculoskeletal disorder. […]

Dr Leon Popovitz Top New York-Doctors Castle Connolly 2017

Dr. Leon E. Popovitz, MD awarded as a Top Doctor by Castle Connolly

New York Bone and Joint Specialists is proud to say that co-founder Leon E. Popovitz, MD, has once again been named by Castle Connolly as a Top Doctor in the New York Metro Area-2017, in the field of Orthopedic Surgery. The award highlights the very best doctors in New York City over many specialties, in order to […]

marathon knee injury

Preparing For The Brooklyn Half Marathon: Runner’s Knee

Without a doubt, you need a healthy set of knees to be a runner. The problem is, running puts a lot of stress on our knee joints: with every step we run high impact jolts the joints. This is why runner’s knee so commonly affects runners, from the Brooklyn Half Marathon Trainer to the morning jogger. Here’s […]

brooklyn half marathon

Brooklyn Half Marathon: Train Like A Pro

The Brooklyn Half Marathon is almost upon us and it will be an exciting race. On May 20th hundreds will gather at the Brooklyn Museum to start a 13.1-mile trail to the Coney Island boardwalk. Whether you are one of the top competitors for a medal at the Brooklyn half or just beginning marathon training for […]

carpal tunnel pain

How Do I Know If I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Everybody has heard of carpal tunnel syndrome, but a common misconception is that all wrist and hand pain are carpal tunnel syndrome. The truth is carpal tunnel has a very specific presentation. Carpal tunnel is a narrow passage situated on the palm side of the wrist that connects forearm to hand. Nerves and a tendon cross […]

chronic pain neck

Do I Have Chronic Neck Pain?

Many of us have a sore or aching neck at the end of the day. This could be the result of a variety of things: bad posture, an uncomfortable workspace, “text-neck”, or maybe a condition leading to chronic neck pain. Chronic neck pain differs from acute neck pain (neck pain resulting from injury, or trauma) in […]

anserine knee pain

Knee Conditions: What Is Pes Anserine Tendonitis?

There are many possible conditions that may be causing the knee pain you feel when you work out, climb stairs, or stretch. One common knee condition you may not know that you have is called Pes Anserine. This is tendonitis of a specific tendon at the inside of your knee that usually causes bursitis as […]

bicep tendinitis strain

Do You Have Biceps Tendinitis?

Our everyday, busy lifestyle can lead to a condition known as bicep tendinitis. If you feel pain in your arm during simple tasks you may have strained your bicep muscles. Here’s what you need to know about treating a bicep strain or bicep tendinitis before it worsens. The biceps muscle has two heads that are located […]

Young People Get Neck Pain Too

As we get older, we will develop wear and tear, degeneration, or osteoarthritis in many areas, including the spine. This may cause stiffness and pain. However, there are many sources and structures that can cause pain way before arthritis is seen. Neck pain in young, healthy adults is a very common symptom. If you fall asleep on […]

hand arm numb tingling

Why Is My Hand Numb?

Most of us have woken up in the morning, or even in the middle of the night with our hand or arm asleep. What does it mean? Numbness and tingling (sensation of pins and needles) usually means some kind of a nerve problem. Many of us sleep in a fetal position, with our wrists flexed […]

Treat A Rotator Cuff Tear Early

Treat A Rotator Cuff Tear Early

The Rotator Cuff is a group of important tendons in the shoulder that are responsible for the stability and strength of the shoulder. Rotator Cuff disease has various stages and levels of damage to these tendons. The symptoms are pain with overhead activities, night pain, biceps inflammation, weakness and limited motion. The early stages of Rotator Cuff […]

NYBJ Sponsors The Wheatley Cybercats at the 2017 FIRST Robotics Competition

NYBJ Sponsors The Wheatley Cybercats at the 2017 FIRST Robotics Competition

New York Bone and Joint Specialists was proud to sponsor the talented young men and women of the Wheatley Cybercats Robotics team as they competed in the 2017 FIRST Robotics Competition this past Saturday. After months of hard work and ingenuity, the Wheatley team landed a place in FIRST Robotics, the nation’s most prestigous robotics competition, where high schools […]

nerve compression

What Is Nerve Compression?

Causes Nerve compression can be caused by external pressure, especially for extended periods of time. Examples include resting your arm on a bar or chair, resting elbows on tables or desks, prolonged used of crutches, or similar actions that have the same effect. It also can be caused by rapid weight gain or any condition […]

Treating versus Masking Pain

The Difference Between Treating And Masking Pain

Some aching here, a little twinge of pain there, we’ve all experienced aches and pains after exercise, a long week of work, or as the result of our bodies aging. What is your first reaction to these pains? Are you treating it or masking pain? According to WebMD and the American Gastroenterological Association, more than […]

knee arthritis

The 4 Stages of Knee Arthritis

Although there are several forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) is the form that most often affects the knees. OA causes the degeneration of the cartilage in the knee joint due to bony growths known as osteophytes. When this cartilage is damaged the result is the common symptoms associated with arthritis such as pain, swelling and stiffness in […]

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