The New York Bone & Joint Specialists Blog

elbow selfie

What Is ‘Selfie Elbow’?

Text neck, text thumb and iPad hand have all become common ailments over the past several years and all of these “conditions” seem to revolve around our incessant use of our phones, tablets and computers.  Now, we have another “condition” to add to the tech-med lexicon – “selfie elbow”.  That’s right, selfie elbow. But is selfie elbow […]

Runners Should Protect Their Joints

How Runners Should Protect Their Joints

Running is one of the most accessible and simplest forms of exercise. It can be done indoors or outdoors, alone or with others, and in nearly any weather. Perhaps the biggest downside to running, however, is the wear and tear it deals to the joints. Especially when running on rough terrain or across elevation changes, […]

vitamin d and its connection to chronic pain

The Link Between Vitamin D And Chronic Pain

Many Americans don’t get enough Vitamin D from their diets and this is especially troublesome for those who suffer for chronic pain conditions. We get most of our Vitamin D from fish, and sometimes dairy products like milk and cheese. Those that suffer from inflammatory conditions that cause frequent pain and other chronic pain disorders, […]

knees popping

Why Are My Knees Snapping And Popping?

You may have wondered why, when you crouch, sit, or stand, you hear or feel your knees snapping or popping – it may even cause you discomfort or pain when it happens. What is the cause of these noises and pangs? Is it something you should be very concerned about? Is it just the result […]


What Happens During an EMG

Curious about what happens during an EMG (electromyography) and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)? Maybe you’re scheduled for a test and are nervous about it. First off, what does an EMG/NCS test, and what conditions are to be ruled out? NCS tests peripheral nerves, and an EMG tests the electrical activity of muscles. The doctor will probably […]

The Truth About Knee Pain

The Truth About Knee Pain

If you don’t have some sort of knee pain yet, you probably will. 15 million Americans visit their orthopedists every year for knee pain. A vast majority of athletes, regular exercisers, and simply middle-aged patients are diagnosed with a torn ACL, runner’s knee, or arthritic knee joints.With the knee being such a common place for injury, it’s […]

shoulder bursitis

Why Do I Have Shoulder Bursitis?

You don’t have to be a pro pitcher or weekend warrior to get shoulder bursitis. Chances are, you will start feeling pain without knowing what caused it. So how did you end up with shoulder bursitis and what does this mean? Bursae are jelly-like sacs that act as buffers between tissues as we move our bodies. […]

there's been an increase in surgeries

What Is Joint Replacement and Why Has There Been an Increase in Surgeries?

Joint replacement surgeries were traditionally reserved for the elderly, but they’re becoming increasingly common among younger patients. What accounts for the sudden rise?  Many people assume that joint replacement surgery is only for the elderly, but in fact, an increasing number of younger patients have begun to opt for the procedure in recent years. A 2014 […]

Water Aerobic Exercises

Water Aerobic Exercises For Everyone

Often times, water aerobics are assumed to be a workout for the elderly only. However, working out in water has many benefits, even for younger athletes. The reason water aerobics are so popular for the older population is because it is such a low-impact workout. The water takes weight off of your joints, and resistance […]

bunion pain

What Is A Bunion?

If you’ve noticed that your big toe has started to bend inward and has a bump near its joint, you may have a bunion. Bunions are common and painful bony bumps located on the inner side of the foot at the big toe joint. Pressure on the big toe can cause it to bend toward […]

anti inflamatory foods

10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods For Arthritis And More

Many people suffer from diseases or conditions that cause chronic and daily pain from the inflammation they cause. Arthritis, tendinitis, Crohn’s disease, spondylitis, are just a few chronic conditions that include painful inflammation. Of course, managing pain and inflammation is best done conservatively. Many people have had success in alleviating their chronic inflammation by incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into […]

ACL tear

Did I Tear My ACL?

Anterior Cruciate Ligaments, or ACLs, are very common areas of injury for athletes. Patients often come to NY Bone and Joint convinced that they’ve torn their ACL. ACL tears can cause serious pain and need to be treated by an orthopedic specialist like Dr. Leon E. Popovitz, MD, properly, or it will become a reoccurring problem. […]

rotator cuff versus tendinitis

What’s The Difference Between A Rotator Cuff Tear And Tendinitis?

The Rotator Cuff is a common location for injury, especially for those who play sports often. Rotator Cuff muscles and tendons support the shoulder joint, which is relatively unstable and easily damaged from overuse. Athletes will most often come to NY Bone and Joint Specialists with either Rotator Cuff Tendinitis or a tear in their […]


What Is A Hammertoe?

A hammertoe refers to a deformity of the second, third or fourth toe in which the toe is bent to the side at the middle joint. While a hammertoe may be corrected conservatively at first, it may begin to cause pain or discomfort and become fixed in its position if not treated. At this point, […]

Revision Total Knee Replacement

Revision Total Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement surgery is one of many very successful operations in orthopaedic surgery, but over the time it can fail. There can be multiple reasons. It can be infection, loosening and wear of implants, instability, stiffness of the knee and fracture around the prosthesis. Multiple tests are performed to find the cause of pain […]

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