What Is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?
Many types of upper or mid back pain are caused by poor posture. Sitting or slumping for long periods of time can have a serious impact on or mid-spine, which can cause pain to radiate throughout our back, neck, head, and upper extremities. This condition is known as thoracic outlet syndrome. Your thoracic outlet is the […]
How To Stay Healthy After Joint Replacement Surgery
While the human body’s ability to be versatile and resilient is well-proven, it certainly has some limitations. Whether it’s through aging, disease, injury or some other means, these bodies of ours eventually begin to wear out, and many times this leads to weakness, instability and pain in areas of our body that were previously healthy. […]
Runners Beware: Iliotibial Band Syndrome
If you’re getting back into your outdoor running routine this spring, iliotibial band syndrome is an injury you’ll want to avoid. It commonly affects runners, especially those who intensify their workout without stretching properly. Take care to ease your body back into your runs and try the stretches your physical therapist recommends if your start feeling aches […]
What Is ‘Selfie Elbow’?
Text neck, text thumb and iPad hand have all become common ailments over the past several years and all of these “conditions” seem to revolve around our incessant use of our phones, tablets and computers. Now, we have another “condition” to add to the tech-med lexicon – “selfie elbow”. That’s right, selfie elbow. But is selfie elbow […]
How To Care For A Sprain
Sprains are very common injuries; you may sprain your ankle by simply tripping over your shoelaces. Even though sprains are fairly common, they can be painful and may develop into a more severe issue down the road if not cared for properly. Many people don’t seek medical attention for a sprain. Instead, they follow the RICE […]
Do I Need To See A Doctor For Back Pain?
We’ve all had back pain at one point or another and it’s more likely than not that your back pain keeps coming back. Oftentimes, patients see back pain as something that’s a natural result of sitting at work or being active and don’t receive treatment. Unfortunately, without treatment back pain can become constant and be debilitating later […]
What Is Frozen Shoulder?
Many people find themselves with frozen shoulder after they’ve injured their shoulder, usually after a car accident or sports injury. Frozen shoulder is a complex disease that can affect anyone for 1-2 years. If you have frozen shoulder, it will go through phases of pain, at first causing you extreme pain that may make you […]
Get Back Into Your Workout Routine Injury Free
As Spring approaches, we all face the daunting task of getting ourselves back into our workout routine. Orthopedic injuries often occur for the first time when suddenly changing your workout regimen or increasing your activity level. Here are some tips to make getting back into the swing of things easily and pain free. Pace yourself. The most […]
Back Pain Injuries: The Big Three
Back pain is one of the most common presentations to any American doctor, second only to the common cold. That shouldn’t come as a surprise: around 80% of Americans will experience it at least once in their lifetime. While most back pain is the result of a sprain after a sports injury or a slip and […]
New Study Shows Some Meniscus Tears May Not Require Surgery
What is A Meniscus Tear? The meniscus is a small, “c” shaped piece of cartilage in the knee and each knee consists of two menisci, medial meniscus on the inner aspect of the knee and the lateral meniscus on the outer aspect of the knee. Meniscal tears often occur during sports and these tears are […]
Should I Consider Botox For Migraines?
What Are Migraines? Migraines are a headache disorder in the nervous and vascular systems. Symptoms include moderate to severe headache pain, and in some cases, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, temperature and smells. Some people with migraines also experience an “aura,” which is a short period preceding the onset of the migraine, […]
Dr. Popovitz, ABC News: Knee Surgery Alternative
“The meniscus is located in a shallow cup of cartilage on top of the leg bone, one on each side. Knobs on the end of the thigh bone move in the meniscus when you bend your knee. A tear often requires surgery, but it may not be the only option.” – ABC News 5/7/13 A torn meniscus, which […]
Will David Wright’s Back Hold Up?
As we eagerly await the start of the the 2016 Major League Baseball Season, The New York Mets and their fans are hopeful for a productive year from their captain, David Wright. The National League Champs have invested millions of dollars on the face of their franchise, and are committed for another five years. But […]
When Is It Time To Hang It Up? – The Aging Athlete
You’re not 20, not even 30. Your brain is saying you can still play like a champ, your heart is still into it, but guess what: your legs, your arms, your eyes, your entire body is not what it used to be. Does this mean you give up, and quit the game you love so […]
Yankees, Mets Both Dealing With Pains In The Neck
In recent days, both New York baseball teams have been dealing with neck injuries to their key star corner infielders. Yankee Slugger Mark Teixeira has been sidelined with what is reported to be muscle spasms. After missing a few games, he received cortisone shots, and just returned to the lineup yesterday. Mets Captain David Wright, […]